The ARU Library has a workforce of 21 people who are divided into Academic, Administrative and Technical staff. Currently, the libraryhas five academic staff members including a Senior Librarian, a Librarian, Two Assistant Librarians and anAssistant LibrarianTrainee; 13administrative staff, one (ICT) Technical staff, a Secretary and an Administrative Officer. The staff comprises of 15 females and six (6) males. The Library also has a governing Board that oversees the Library activities. The Board comprises of 10 Members including 7 from within and 2 from outside the University.
Dr. Ephraem E. Silayo
Currently, Dr. Ephraem E. Silayo is the Acting Director of ARU Library services. He holds a PhD in Information Studies, a Master degree in information studies and a B.A. Fine and Performing Arts from University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). He also holds a Certificate and Diploma in Education from Marangu Teacher’s Training College. As a Librarian, Dr. Silayo performs library duties including information literacy trainings to library users and staff. Apart from Library duties, he is involved teaching responsibilities in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences teaching Development perspective I&II and Development Communication and Resource Mobilization courses and supervises students’ research projects. He has also undertaken researches in areas of Information and poverty Alleviation; and Market Information needs and has authored multiple articles published in various academic journals and conference papers. A full list of his citations can be accessed at Google Scholar.
E-mail: or
Dr. Sophia Lukwale Dr. Sophia R. Lukwale is a Senior Librarian. She is a graduate of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Russian Federation, Russia (PhD Library and Information Studies), Minsk State University of Culture, Byelorussia (Masters in Bibliographical Studies), and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda (Diploma in Librarianship). She teaches communication skills and research methodology in various Ardhi University schools and departments. Apart from performing library work she is also an editor, translator, and supervises students’ research projects. Dr. Lukwale is also involved in research, teaching and consultancy on library and information studies, largely on the following areas: information literacy, information and knowledge management and information and communication technologies. She has authored multiple articles published in various academic journals; a full list of his citations can be accessed at Google Scholar, and
E-mail: slukwale@yahoo.comor
Ms. Gwantwa Kenan
GwantwaKenanis anAssistant Librarian. She holds a Master Degree in Information Studies from the University of Dar es Salaam, a Bachelor degree in Public Administration in (Human Resources Management) from Mzumbe University and a Diploma in Education from Kigurunyembe Teachers Training College. Currently she is undertaking PhD in Information Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam. She is also coordinating the Customer ServicesSection at ArdhiUniversity Library.As an Assistant Librarian, Ms. Kenan is involved in library works including acquisition, collection development as well as supervising library staff in various departments within the University Library.
Elizabeth Mbagois working as an Assistant Librarian. She holds Master Degree of Information Studies from the University of Dar esSalaam. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es SalaamCollege (TUDARCO) and a Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). Ms. Mbagois currently coordinating Cataloguing and Classification Section which deals with processing of library materials.
Haruna S. Lukando is anAssistant Librarian Trainee. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Library and Information Management from Mzumbe University (MU) and a Diploma in Information and Library Science from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). He is currently, coordinating ICT Section andmanaging the Library Management Software (KOHA) at the University Library.Mr. Lukando, also assists in communication skills, and research methods seminars and practical sessions as well as conducting various information literacy training programmes.
E-mail: hsadick097@gmail.comor
Esther Mwakimbwalais aSenior Library Assistant II. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) and a Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). She is currently working in theCataloguing and Classification section
Christine Myombe is aSenior Library Assistant II. She holds a Bachelor Degree of Library and Information Science from Uganda Christian University, Uganda and a Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Cataloguing and Classification Section.
Rehema Kondo is aSenior Library Assistant II. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) and a Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Customer ServicesSection.
Naetwe Saburi is aSenior Library Assistant II. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) and a Diploma in Library Archivesand Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Reference and Periodical Section.
Joyce M. Mtuiis a Senior Library Assistant II. She holds Bachelor of Arts Degree in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) and a Diploma in Library Archivesand Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Customer ServicesSection.,
Aluichi John is aLibrary Assistant I. She holds a Bachelor Degree of Library and Information Management from the Open University of Tanzania and a Diploma in Library Archivesand Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Reference and Periodical Section.,
Esther is aLibrary Assistant I. She holds a Bachelor Degree of Library and Information Management from the Open University of Tanzania and a Diploma in Library Archivesand Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). She is currently working in the Reference and Periodical Section.,
Adolf J. Mbedule is a Library Assistant I. He holds Bachelor Degree of Library and Information Management from the Open University of Tanzania and Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).He is currently, coordinating Reference and Periodical Sections. He assists in conducting various information literacy training programmes to the library users. He is also assisting in managing the Library Management Software (KOHA).
Emmanuel B. Mbuya is aSenior Library Assistant III. He holds a Diploma in Library Archives and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).Mr. Mbuya has the following skills: Cataloguing and classification, customer care and customer service management, Data collection, computer literacy. He is currently working in the ICT Section.
Magdalena Mazikuis aSenior Library Assistant III. She holds a Diploma in Library Archivesand Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the Customer ServicesSection.
SaphiaAbdallahis aSenior Library Assistant III. She holds a Diploma in Library Archives and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). She is currently working in the Cataloguing and Classification Section.
Jenipher John is aLibrary Assistant I. She holds a Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS).She is currently working in the ICT Section.
Mary Mbogo is a Senior Library Officer at Institute of Human Settlement Studies(IHSS) Library. She holds Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies from Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) and Diploma in Library Achieves and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). Her duties include: Classification and cataloguing of library materials, assisting readers in information location and retrieval, Administering issue desk activities and Data entry into the library management system. Currently, she is serving at the IHSS information Centre.
IgnasDuwe is a Library Assistant I at the Institute of Human Settlements Studies Library. He holds a Bachelor Degree of Library and Information Management from the Open University of Tanzania and a Diploma in Library Archives and Documentation Studies from the School of Library, Archives and Documentation Studies (SLADS). Currently, he is serving at the IHSS information Centre.